Interesting and fun facts about recycling

So, this big push for recycling and our focus on the world’s Seventh Resource (the materials all around us that we have a duty to use and reuse everyday) is all very 21st century- right?

Wrong! Recycling and re-using our beautiful planet’s finite resources has been going on since the dawn of time. There are references to it in the Bible and, around a million years before this, Homo Erectus was learning how to repurpose his belongings out of sheer necessity.

In fact, that was why recycling was so important in centuries gone by. It was all about survival. Neanderthal man could not just thump his ungainly legs down to the nearest market to buy new materials for his mud hut. He had to source everything for himself – in the face of everyday dangers – and thus every scrap of every material was used and re-used until it was dust.

We have now gone full circle. The ‘carefree’ and seemingly ‘conscious-free’ days of consumerism and thoughtless dispatch have to come to end because, not only are we using up our precious primary resources but we are harming the delicate balance of our planet as we create ever more stuff from virgin materials.

We should most definitely take a (copper) leaf or two from the (vellum) books of our forefathers and be far more conscious of our effect on the world, and our use of the materials around us.

Read on for some interesting historical facts about recycling through the ages.

Join voices across the world to “Save the Planet. Support Recycling”

The Seventh Resource Manifesto from the Bureau of International Recycling holds a mirror up to the world to show just how we have been living for the past 100 or so years, and to highlight that our lifestyle options are simply not viable.  Not viable for a healthy and productive planet, a planet that can sustain all of us, wherever we live.

Wonderfully, this Manifesto also brings the promise of a better life with a solution that has been under our noses the whole time. We just need to put it center stage.

The Seventh Resource, or as we have been perhaps wrongly calling it ‘waste’, is our most important as we seek ways to preserve and conserve our finite primary resources. The Seventh Resource can be used again and again, sometimes indefinitely, in our homes and in industry. It helps to combat climate change, it boosts local employment, and it helps to conserve the Earth’s precious six primary resources of coal, air, water, minerals, natural gas and oil.

By rethinking what we throw away and how we support businesses that encourage recycling, we have the power to change the world.

It is time to stop making excuses and we must not delay any further. Change is coming and it has to happen now.

Join our mission and SIGN the petition, LEARN more through the Bureau of International Recycling and JOIN in Global Recycling Day on 18 March 2018.